
23 de jan. de 2012

Playlist #22 - Summer

1 - 'Hello Cold World', Paramore

2 - 'After Midinight', Blink 182

3 - 'Look Around', Red Hot Chili Peppers (@zell_renan)

4 - 'The One That Got Away', Katy Perry

5 - 'The Golden Age', The Asteroids Galaxy Tour (@javierfreitas)

6 - 'Céu da Noite', Acústicos & Valvulados

7 - 'These Times', SafetySuit

8 - 'Moves Like Jagger', Maroon5 ft Crhristina Aguilera

9 - 'Middle Finger', Cobra Starship ft Mac Miller

10 - 'My First Hardcore Song', Juliet

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