
31 de mar. de 2011

Playlist #11 - por @maicparis

A playlist com mais PEGADA que já passou aqui pelo #tembandanova heim!

1 - Bring Me The Horizon, 'It Never Ends'

2 -  Architects, 'Heartburn'

3 - Parkway Drive, 'Carrion'

4 - Asking Alexandria, 'A Prophecy'

5 - A Day To Remember, 'All I Want'

6 - Bleed From Within, 'The Healing'

7 - Escape The Fate, 'My Apocalypse'

8 - I See Stars, 'The End of the World Party' (*-*)

9 - Blessthefall, 'Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted' (mestríssimo!)

10 - 'Scarlett O'Hara' Lost in Existence

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